This is an archived site that was created in 2015 through the research of WRI and its partners to show the extent of national legal protections of procedural rights to the environment. All country data may be viewed directly on each country’s page or by downloading the data in the About section. The interactive map will no longer be displayed on the site.

Rank Countries

With the ranking feature, you can rank the 70 countries based on the legal index scores.These scores are based on strength of laws enacted to protect environmental democracy. They do not measure implementation. The supplemental practice indicator results are summarized to the right of the legal index scores. You can view and download detailed results for any indicator on the country page. Use the sidebar on the left to rank scores at the Country, Pillar, or Guideline level. Interested in a particular score? Click the country to go its page and learn more.

Rank Countries

Very good
Good / Yes (Practice)
Fair / Limited (Practice)
Poor / No (Practice)